About Poland

Poland is a rising EU country which offers various business and investment opportunities for entrepreneurs due to location, size, shape and logistic advantages. The country offers a talented, educated workforce, a vibrant economy and financial services sector, and a business-friendly, environment. Main opportunities for investors can be listed as below.

Governmental grants

Poland Governmental grants are provided on the basis of Programme for supporting investments of major importance to the Polish economy for years 2011-2023 (further as the Programme), adopted by the Council of Ministers on July 5, 2011.

Form of support

Support is provided in the form of a grant on the basis of a agreement concluded between the Minister of Economy and the investor. The agreement lays down conditions for the payment of the grant, which is paid proportionately to the degree of fulfilling investor’s commitments.

Support can be applied for by companies planning investments in the following priority sectors:

  • automotive sector,
  • electronic and household appliances sector,
  • aviation sector,
  • biotechnology sector,
  • food processing sector,
  • modern services sector,
  • research and development (R&D).

Investment incentives

Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is part of Polish territory which is administered separately, allocated for the running of businesses on preferential terms. The SEZ is a place which is subject to special treatment and tax exemptions where an entrepreneur can establish a business on a specially prepared site and run it without paying income tax.

If a company decides to invest in one of the SEZ’s, the income which it receives from business carried out on its terrain will be exempt from income tax (CIT - from legal persons or PIT – on physical persons, depending on the legal form used to run the business).

In an SEZ the entrepreneur can obtain the following privileges:

  • tax exemption (CIT or PIT)
  • a site fully prepared for development by the investor at a competitive price
  • free assistance in dealing with formalities in connection with the investment
  • exemption from property tax (on the territory of certain gminas)

Special economic zones

The Special Economic Zones (SEZ) is the result of successful connections of the needs of investors with the needs of the particular regions, in which they have been situated.

Each zone is an administratively separate part of Polish territory, allocated for the running of businesses on preferential terms. A business, on entering an SEZ has the assurance of tax benefits and an additional benefit is the fact that they can begin trading on a specially prepared site, fully equipped with the necessary utilities.

Another aspect is that the new investments have a significant impact on the economic development of the Polish regions, in the decrease of unemployment and the increase in the competitiveness of our economy.

Permission to begin trading in an SEZ is granted by the management board of each zone; which also assist in the investment process, e.g. through the easing of contacts with the local authorities, or with central administration and in questions relating to the purchase of land for investments.

Special Economic Zones have been set up for the purpose of:

  • speeding up development of the Polish regions,
  • developing and utilising new technical and technological solutions in the national economy,
  • increasing the competitiveness of goods and services,
  • developing the potential of industry and the infrastructure,
  • creating new work places.

Industrial and technology parks

Industrial and technology parks are places which, due to a concentrations of firms from one sector and supporting science and research facilities, are enabled to develop quickly. This is a pro-development model that is increasingly being implemented in our country. The facilities being offered, are applicable both to Polish and foreign businesses.

A technology park is a cluster of separate buildings together with a technical infrastructure, created with the aim of attracting an influx of knowledge and technology for scientific bodies and businesses.

Entrepreneurs that use new technology are offered services in the form of:

  • consultancy in the formation and development of an enterprise,
  • transfer of technology,
  • transfer of results from scientific research and development work, into technological innovation,
  • creating favourable conditions for businesses.

Real estate tax exemptions

One of the basic investment incentives which are available for entrepreneurs in gminas (municipalities) is the exemption from local taxes and charges. Pursuant to the Act of 12 January 1991 on local taxes and charges (hereinafter referred to as A.l.t.), municipalities have the right to fix tax rates and establish the above-mentioned exemptions from taxes and charges foreseen therein. What is of fundamental importance for entrepreneurs is the exemption from the real estate tax.

Items subject to the real estate tax

The following is subject to the real estate tax:

  1. land,
  2. buildings or parts thereof,
  3. buildings or parts of buildings associated with conducting an economic activity.

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